Gravity Owns Spewers V3, scary height sacary landing :( |
This is definitely the last day of me climbing in Gunks before moving out to Northwest :( I know it is already too hot and too humid but we all went to defeat some problems. But I guess I didn't have any luck but crushed by problems.
今日は西海岸への引っ越し前の、多分Gunks最後の登り。 もうこの時期で蒸し暑い。
We all went to Village Idiot boulder and tried the projects. I've never touched Gravity Owns Spewers V3 so I did but was super scary... Humsa V10 felt impossible in that humidity.
Village Idiot V7がある付近でまずは登る。 今まで触ったことがなかったGraviy Owns Spewers V3をやる。 ぬめってると最悪な課題だったけどFlash。 Humsa V10は登ったことがある人がジムにいたんで登れるんだなぁってことで触ってみるが無理ですたw
Village Idiot V7がある付近でまずは登る。 今まで触ったことがなかったGraviy Owns Spewers V3をやる。 ぬめってると最悪な課題だったけどFlash。 Humsa V10は登ったことがある人がジムにいたんで登れるんだなぁってことで触ってみるが無理ですたw
Charlie on Village Idiot V7 |
Matt too |
scetchy for V3! |
Tim is crimp lover:) |
Randy never showed up |
Yeahuda on Village Idiot V7 |
tough first few moves |
cruxy area |
good tattoo spot |
mice was cheering us |
Matt on Humsa V10 |
Humsa isn't a problem for summer |
omitting few holds |
painful holds I see |
Tim should be good at these crimps |
but looks painful to me |
locking hell out of Humsa V10 |
I tried to repeat Sicker than the Average V8 but fail and fell from top. On Way to Work V7 was impossible, I don't know how my friend sent this while ago but he mentioned that hold has been broken off after guide book was out but he still was able to send it; super strong man.
で、色々諦めたあげくSicker than the Average V8に移動した。 リピート狙いだが上部で落下しちゃいました。 明らかにペブリーなスローパーがぬめってましたw
Tim with funky heel hook |
I never liked the pebbles but awesome problems in Gunks |
this guy will get this problem in fall |
他のエリアでProject Landってマイナーだけど難しくて面白い課題がある場所に移った。 On My Way to Work V7って課題を打ったが全く意味不明w 結局テイクオフ出来ただけで進展なくド敗退。 んで、V3を触って本日は終了。 最後に記念撮影したとさw
Chillin' or defeated by On My Way to Work V7 |
Second move on On My Way to Work V7 |
Yeahuda on same position |
bad balance moves |
may be in cold temp |
Yeahuda flashing Stepping into Grey V3 |
USR crew :) thanks for climbing with us! |
<成果/Sendage - Yusuke>
Gravity Owns Spewers V3 -> FL
x Humsa V10
x Sicker than the Average V8
x On My Way to Work V7
Stepping into Grey V3 -> 2 tries
really cool man ... i like the parallel photos showing diff climbers on same move same problem!